Liao Jiaming 廖家明 x RNH Space:
Till Love Do Us Part
30 October - 12 December 2021

There is an ideal lover, who is compassionate, tender, knowledgeable, and handsome, with a sporty physique as muscular as an ancient Roman statue. We spent much of our time looking for him. We know he is out there somewhere, yet nothing comes without effort. We all know. Maybe we should change our methods: Instead of waiting for the one, we become the one. You train your body hard. You read books and go to art exhibitions. You even excel in taking selfies. You look awesome on social media and dating apps. You are the best lover in the entire world that I can expect.
I say hi. As usual, there is no reply. My voice echoes in the palace of beauty, like a shimmering butterfly. I say how are you/how is your day going/how are you doing. It seems that everyone is doing ok (if they answer). On the winding path of the myth, I met the same person over and over again, as if he knew that I were looking for him, too.
- Liao Jiaming
RNH Space is proud to announce Till Love Do Us Part, a solo exhibition by Liao Jiaming. Using images of human body obtained from gay dating apps and cityscape photographed at cruising spots, Liao creates photo installations and prints. One’s feelings of angst, insecurity and doubts in finding love subtly permeate this body of works, whilst it questions the social norms that hold the reins to our understanding of ideality.
RNH Space榮幸宣布廖家明個人作品展「直至愛使我們分離」。廖家明利用男同性戀交友應用程式上的人體圖像、「魚塘」的城市影像創作圖像裝置和攝影作品。作品中細膩地滲透著尋愛過程中的焦慮、不安、疑惑等情感,並質疑社會規範操縱人步向所謂完美主義之理想。
About Liao Jiaming 廖家明
Liao Jiaming lives and works in Hong Kong. He obtained his BA in Journalism from Sun Yat-sen University in 2016, and his MFA in Creative Media from City University of Hong Kong in 2019.
He is interested in human emotions, especially which evoked by social relation, and technology development. Making and manipulating images, he shuttles back and forth between the physical world and the virtual world, practising the course of beingness at the time. His work has been shortlisted in Awards including WMA Master, HK Human Rights Art Prize, etc.
Till Love Do Us Part is the third chapter of the series Reality Overdose, which gathers three image-based exhibitions, demonstrating individual experiences of how our self-awareness and understanding of life are confined by the realities which we are born into, and how we can use such realities as vessels for authentic self-expression.
Reality Overdose, curated by Yang Jiang, is part of Satellite Exhibitions by Hong Kong International Photo Festival 2021.
Performance by Liao Jiaming
30 October 2021, 5pm at 7/F JCCAC
“Repetition maximum” (RM) is a concept in weight training, referring to the most weight you can lift for a defined number of exercise movements. The performance is a voyage through time and space. Led by the artist and different media, surveying the bodies of our own and others, we re-evaluate the weight of our torsos in the society of the spectacle filled with digital images.
* For those who wish to participate in the entire performance, please note that the artist will depart from JCCAC at some point then take viewers all the way to RNH Space, where the finale of the performance will take place.
30 October 2021, 5pm at 7/F JCCAC

“Repetition maximum” (RM) is a concept in weight training, referring to the most weight you can lift for a defined number of exercise movements. The performance is a voyage through time and space. Led by the artist and different media, surveying the bodies of our own and others, we re-evaluate the weight of our torsos in the society of the spectacle filled with digital images.
* For those who wish to participate in the entire performance, please note that the artist will depart from JCCAC at some point then take viewers all the way to RNH Space, where the finale of the performance will take place.