Hou Lam Tsui 徐皓霖 x RNH Space:
Blind Curve
12 February - 31 March 2022

RNH Space is proud to present Blind Curve, Hou Lam Tsui’s solo exhibition. Spanning videos, photographs, and installation, this exhibition features newly commissioned works that mirror commodified love, emotions, and bodies amid a capitalist society. The artist examines the perversion of reality in contemporary romantic relationships as well as our quotidian activities, rethinking the inevitable commodification through fragments and floating signifiers.
As suggested by Eva Illouz in The End of Love, in the times of penetrating capitalisation, what is marked as an attractive quality we look for in our love interests is merely a consumer substyle–we define them by the commodities they pursue or possess. What is seen as a heartfelt affection is in fact an audience reaction to the economic performance. Tsui selects a Japanese City Pop song Blind Curve by Momoko Kikuchi as the exhibition title, suggesting to view love from an alternative angle when the complexity as well as the dangerous side of love is less visible.
RNH Space榮幸宣布徐皓霖的個人展覽「盲彎處」,探討資本主義社會中情愛、情緒和身體被商品化的現象。徐氏其最新委約作品以錄像、攝影和裝置藝術的形式,剖析當代浪漫關係乃至日常生活中的扭曲真實,並透過聚焦、提煉和刻畫局部細節以及商品符號,重新審視無孔不入的商品化現象如何將我們變得麻木。
正如 Eva Illouz 的著作《為什麼不愛了》(The End of Love)所指,在資本化滲透的時代,愛情淪落為消費主義的傀儡——當我們聲稱愛上一個人的某種特質時,不過是愛上其消費品味。情感與商品的糾纏令我們的真心變質卻不自知,所謂發自內心的愛慕,其實只是一場對商業把戲拍手叫好的鬧劇。展覽「盲彎處」的英文展題取自菊池桃子的同名City Pop歌曲《Blind Curve》——喻指當難以釐清情愛中潛藏的複雜性與危機時,或應換個角度以揭示其本質。
︎Hou Lam Tsui reflects on her obsession with City Pop and Shōwa aesthetics, and their significance for her art practice.
About Hou Lam Tsui 徐皓霖
Hou Lam Tsui (b. 1997) lives and works in Hong Kong. Tsui received a BA in Fine Art and History of Art at the University of Leeds in 2018. Her practice centres around personal experience, gender politics, boundaries, and peripheral storytelling. She also writes poems.