Wu Jiaru 吳佳儒 x RNH Space:
Luv for Sale
22 October - 28 November 2020

Curatorial Statement
Love becoming consumer goods is the real mirror of this contemporary society. As modernism was born a century ago out of mass commodity culture and continued into the 21st century, it is dystopias rather than utopias that reflects modern sensibility. When something is not priced, it gets discarded without delay for its value fails to be defined. So does love.
In light of such conditions, only putting love in art up for sale can help human beings realise the importance of it. An artist like Wu Jiaru who often makes excursions in the world of mysticism and romanticism, is sparing no effort to turn the world inside out to manifest unconditional love through her practice of art. By building a unique version of utopia, where dystopian world is often the context, Wu’s works often invite us to explore most mundane issues from a brand new perspective.
About Wu Jiaru 吳佳儒
Wu Jiaru is an artist who currently works and lives in Hong Kong. She obtained her BA in Fine Arts and English Language from Tsinghua University in 2014, and her MFA from the School of Creative Media in City University of Hong Kong in 2017.
She experiments with imagined spaces and social norms in forms of installation, moving images, printed edition, image synthesis, etc. Wu’s practice covers a wide range of topics, including cross-boundary facilities, literature, modern service industries, manufacturing industries and innovation and technology, romantic relationships, business environment, quality living, education and talent, regional cooperation plans, ecology, as well as mechanisms and arrangements. Wu has participated in many good group exhibitions and her art is in the collection of some important people and organisations.
吳佳儒目前工作生活於香港。她2014年於清華大學獲藝術與英語學士雙學位,並於2017年取得香港城市大學創意媒體碩士學位。以裝置、影像、複製版本、渲染圖像等形式實驗於想象空間與社會現象之間。吳氏作品涵蓋範圍廣泛,包括跨界設施、 文學、現代服務業、製造業及科技創新、羅曼蒂克關係、營商環境、優質生活、教育與人才、區域合作規劃、生態學、神秘學,以及機制安排等。她曾經參與很多出色的展覽,其作品被一些重要人物和機構收藏。