Shitshop999 x RNH Space:
You Are Not Alone
5 December 2020 - 11 January 2021

Curatorial Statement
Phase I
You are not alone. You never are.
I love you. They love you. God loves you. Even the unknown higher energy is taking you under his wings.
You Are Not Alone focuses on the themes of universal love with the analogy between art and religious practice, as the second presentation of series x RNH Space. In collaboration with Shitshop999, an artist-run select shop, the space set up a pop-up shop as an experimental body of mixing concepts such as artist shop, commercial art and art thinking.
Artist Chan Ka Kiu is the founder and self labelling ‘shitty manager’ of Shitshop999. Chan’s artistic practice focuses on video works romanticising daily scenarios in playful juxtapositions, in an attempt to soothe the two most notorious emotions of the mundane - loneliness and sadness. Such humour and sensitivity continue into Shitshop999 effortlessly. By projecting her way of thinking as an artist onto the goods she designs and selects for the shop, Chan tries to connect art to the real world. She therefore compares art to a religion, a practice and a companion that help people exercise love and empathy.
A set of oil pastel paintings created for the theme by BIKUTA MALAMIA, one of the long-term collaborators of Shitshop999, is also on view. With seemingly sarcastic demonstration in appearance, the quirky subjects who seem like devout prayers in an eerie way, depict a more desolate world. However, if you delve deeper in these extremely colourful paintings, you can see the positive message telling you to follow your heart and you will still be loved if one day you are too drained to pray.
To be continued…
作為「x RNH Space」計劃的第二個項目,RNH Space聯乘藝術家特選商店Shitshop999,設立這個快閃店並命名為「你不是一個窿」,一同探討「愛众世」的話題,將藝術類比為宗教修行,並實驗性地將藝術家特選店、廣告藝術、藝術思維等概念有機地結合。
Shitshop999的長期合作夥伴BIKUTA MALAMIA,亦專為本次主題創作一系列油性粉彩作品。畫中的主體好似在虔誠祈禱,但又好似好疲勞。怪異的想像力令畫作風格幽默戲謔,甚至諷刺,但內心深處傳達的是非常正面的鼓勵,希望大家給予自身更多信心。
Art Ad Video by Chan Ka Kiu | You Are Not Alone - Jesus
Art Ad Video by Chan Ka Kiu | You Are Not Alone - Buddha
About Shitshop999
Shitshop999, founded by artist Chan Ka Kiu, sells shits for building enjoyable human lives for every audience and customer. With a little wit, a little art, a little humor and a little love, we hope to broaden the variety of choice available in the mainstream market and spice up consumerism. We are not an art shop, a select shop or a design shop, we are just a shit shop that is humbly ambitious and allows anything suitable to be sold under our name. After all we just hope to be less bored and boring, and there are countless possibilities to achieve this wish.
Shitshop999, founded by artist Chan Ka Kiu, sells shits for building enjoyable human lives for every audience and customer. With a little wit, a little art, a little humor and a little love, we hope to broaden the variety of choice available in the mainstream market and spice up consumerism. We are not an art shop, a select shop or a design shop, we are just a shit shop that is humbly ambitious and allows anything suitable to be sold under our name. After all we just hope to be less bored and boring, and there are countless possibilities to achieve this wish.